NLP / Hypnotherapy
So What Is Neuro-Linguistic Programming?
NLP or Neuro-Linguistic Programming is an alternative form of Psychology that is actually a modality and a set of tools and techniques based on how your thoughts create your behavior. You should know that your attitude, values, and beliefs are vital in making the world you see, feel, and hear. Every person has his or her own unique view of the world (this is not to say that they are right or wrong). What you perceive in the world is practically a reflection of the things that have happened in your life. If you see yourself as failure, guess what? That is probably what you are creating. Can you expect massive success? You see, you may be thinking that life happens to you and that you are a victim, but with NLP you will realize that life happens for you. It’s also about understanding how to learn from one’s mistakes.
You can learn how to master your mind. It is much more important than learning all about your body, you see, if you can master your mind and emotions, it will be really easy for you to transform your body or achieve any goal really. You will start to see goals, challenges and obstacles as an “exciting journey” that makes you stronger and you will be really grateful for having learned about NLP.

Weight Loss
So if you have always believed that you are not capable of changing how you look or taking control of your weight, you really will not be able to accomplish those things. If you believe that you are not worthy, lucky, or deserving of the things that you want, you will have a hard time. Then again, the beliefs that you have formed at such a young age can still be changed no matter how limiting they may be. They are, after all, just beliefs.
If you want to lose weight and take control of the way you eat, you can do it with this technique.
Many people face the problem of emotional eating, or, better said, “emotional overeating” If you use food to feel better and to change your emotions, or to relax, chances are that it is something deeply rooted in your behavior. In order to get rid of it, go for healthier choices to deal with stress.
Here are some examples to help dealing with the emotions of weight loss.
- An extremely powerful tool is to “future pace” yourself into already having completed the weight loss. To step into that spot as if you already reached your weight loss goal. What specifically will you feel, hear and see at that moment in time? You experience this associated, meaning looking through your own eyes.
- If take your awareness and step into the shoes of your children, or the person who loves you the most, whom do you see? What do you wish for the you over there? What example is that you over there giving?
- If you are going to seek an inspiration for weight loss, pick a true model of excellence!
- Write down how your success with completing your weight loss goal will impact your life?
- Write down how it will impact others around you?
- Discover and examine what are your values? Isn’t having a healthy body a part of living a good life, which is true to your values? Weight loss using NLP will accomplish this.
- Understand the positive intention behind overeating or moving too little. If these things were to bring you something positive, what would that be? For instance, would you be rewarded with comfort? Fun? Freedom? What are some other ways for you to achieve this rather than overeating or moving too little?
- Examine what are the triggers (anchors) in your environment that cause you to eat.
- Ask yourself “Who is stopping me from completing my goal?” Be honest.
- What is the first step? Do that this week! Using NLP for weight loss are among the best tools you can use to set up your mind!
- Creating a sacred space using essential oils is helpful see doTerra products on the home page.

Stop Smoking
Quit Smoking Step One: Set an NLP negative Anchor
Think about all the times you’ve wanted to quit smoking. In this case, take three specific instances that you’ve strongly wished you didn’t smoke. It could be social occasions, parents or loved ones, times you’ve felt sick or unhealthy due to cigarette use, the smell of your breath the morning after a night of smoking? Take three specific instances and play them in your mind over and over again. Overlap them into a rolling, loud and vivid highlight reel of times you’ve wanted to quit.
ACTION: Press and rub your left thumb knuckle into a hard surface, such as your desk or your knee. This feeling should be associated with the following paragraph.
Do you know the cigarette tar that forms in your lungs that you try to cough up? Imagine coughing up all that tar and spitting it into a bucket over the course of several days. Vividly picture that bucket of regurgitated tar and phlegm goosing around in the bucket. How does that cigarette tar smell? What sound does it make if you stir the bucket with a large wooden spoon? Unpleasant? Well how about this – take a mouthful of that thick, hot, sticky, smelly tar, and chew it. Feel the tar sticking to the roof of your mouth as the bitter taste fills your mouth. The smell will be overwhelming, but keep chewing it anyway. Hear the “splatch splatch” sound of the vile tar squelching in your mouth. Take a big drag on a cigarette at the same time, with the taste of the smoke intertwining with the tar. See the disappointment in the eyes of your loved ones as you take a step closer to an early grave. As you inhale the smoke, feel and visualize the smoke carrying all that disgusting tar down into your lungs. Picture the tar sticking to the tissue of your lungs and burning away chunks of your lung tissue. Hear the hissing sound of the boiling tar corroding through your lungs and making them bleed. Exhale and truly feel the pain of the specks of smokey tar searing its way through your throat, infecting your mouth and poisoning the delicate tissues in your nose. Try to cough up all that dried tar stuck to your lungs. Feel the burning pain of the fermented smoke scabs peeling off your insides and retching their way up your throat.
Quit Smoking Step Two: Reinforce the NLP Anchor
Now it’s time to reinforce that anchor. Read the above paragraph again but read it as if it was ALL IN CAPS. Pause slightly between each word. Continue reinforcing the anchor by pressing your left thumb knuckle into the hard surface.
Concentrate! Focus on the worst things about smoking. Feel free to repeat this a third time, or fourth time. The stronger your reinforce this anchor, the more easily you’ll quit smoking.
Quit Smoking Step Three: Frame the Anchor
As you complete the first two steps, you’re left with a fairly negative group of images and emotions related to smoking. Some of these ugly smoking visions will stick in your mind as particularly nasty. Especially the ones that are significant to you personally, in that they are especially close to the heart of why you want to stop smoking. Perhaps it’s the thought of your loved ones watching your lifespan decrease by 5 minutes per cigarette? Or the thought of not being able to watch your grandchildren grow up? Whatever the reasons, use them and focus on them.
As in step one for quitting smoking, roll the reasons into an overlapping highlight video. Make the video bold and vivid. Make them loud, louder, almost uncomfortably loud. Sense the associated smells, physical feelings and emotional feelings that go with them. Step into the video and increase the intensity further. Reinforce the anchor of pressing the thumb into the hard surface, and play this video over and over, at least five times. Each time the video plays, increase the size of the video, as if it’s on a giant Imax screen. Keep increasing the intensity of the colors, raising the volume, making the picture bigger, brighter and closer and play it again. Continuously reinforce the anchor. Do it now! Make it a real, painful event.
Quit Smoking Step Four: Break the Cycle
What is that little alarm in your head that tells you that you feel like a cigarette? What happens? Do you picture a cigarette and think “ah, that would feel good right now”? Or do you crave the taste? Whatever your call to smoking may be, every time it rings, remind yourself of the negative anchor by pressing your left thumb into a hard surface. Do it so it hurts.
If you have a cigarette anyway, think about your negative video about smoking from step three. Press your thumb into a hard surface and really concentrate on the worst things about smoking. Picture the ghosts of your ancestors looking at you and asking why you’re doing this, if it helps! Focus on all the negatives of smoking.
If you resist having a cigarette, take a huge, deep breath of fresh air. Breathe in through your nose slowly, and out through your mouth. Do this very slowly and deeply, five times.
On the first breath pretend that you’re smoking a pure cigarette of oxygen. Suck it all in and enjoy it, as if it was the first drag of the last cigarette on earth. Feel the temperature of the cool, pure air soothe your lungs. As you breathe out, visualize all the toxins from your old smoking days being released and flowing out of your body.
On the second breath imagine the pleasure of watching your grandchildren or children celebrate their birthday with delicious cake.
On the third breath pick one special reason that is the most significant reason for you to stop smoking. It should be a positive reinforcement, ie a reward that you will get for stopping smoking. Focus on that reason as you breathe in, and feel your reward come to life as you breathe out.
On your fourth breath do the same, but make it more vivid and more real. Increase the size of the picture of your reward, and make the associated senses more intense.
On your fifth breath focus on how strong you feel for being able to withstand just one cigarette. The most deadly drug on the planet is powerless against you. Appreciate your own strength and consider this one small battle a win for you, and a step closer to the end of the war.
Quit Smoking with Subliminal Messaging Technology
NLP techniques to quit smoking take time and concentration, but it is worth the time spent practicing. If you are still struggling to stop smoking, or you want to be certain you’ll never start again, you can use subliminal messaging MP3’s.
You just listen to what sounds like calm music for a few minutes each night before you go to sleep. The music contains subliminal messages that rewire your brain to stop craving cigarettes.
Subliminals are a powerful way to tap into the unconscious mind and change your bad mental habits. The word subliminal itself comes from the Latin words sub (meaning below) and limen (meaning threshold), so it literally translates as below threshold. All this means is that a subliminal message is any piece of information which is received beyond your conscious awareness.
In everyday life, you are constantly filtering billions of pieces of information taken in by the five senses. Only a very tiny fraction of this information is processed by the conscious brain. The rest is filtered by the unconscious. For instance, when crossing the street you notice the traffic around you because it’s crucial if you don’t want to get run over. But when walking on the path you barely notice the cars whizzing past just a few feet away.
Therefore, you are very good at taking in subliminal information already – and the purpose of subliminal technology like the Subliminal Stop Smoking MP3 is to give you specific information to achieve your goal of never craving another cigarette again. I highly recommend Subliminal MP3’s to begin your neuro linguistic programming.